Chat With a Researcher.


Don't know where to start or looking for clarity in your customer-research initiative? "Chat with a researcher" is a custom, lightweight engagement designed to give you data-backed actionables for your most pressing market research concerns. For as little as £500.

Contact us

Some problems we'll solve for you:

  • I need a Data Translator to help navigate through consumer insights and derive strategic insights from data
  • I need to manage data synthesis: overlook at all data sources and translate them into a marketing strategy (tangible directions and ready to be applied insights)
  • I want to analyse consumers in uncovered territories based on the culture and purpose of my brand/project/campaigns but don’t know where to start
  • I need to launch a new product and I want to know what is the best target to approach
  • I need to acquire a new segment (e.g. vegan travelers) and I want to know where to start
  • I want to make sure the creative agency suggested the right message and story for my audience
  • I need to know if this media channel or that influencer is really going to affect the brand in the way they promise
  • Our SEO, content marketing and creative message are not resonating, why?
  • I want to create a Netflix docuseries that'll get a raving audience

See how we can help today

What happens:

  1. First, we'll look into your case and send you a questionnaire to learn more about your current customers, target audience, and marketing strategy. You'll also get a chance to pose specific topics that we'll address in-depth during the workshop.
  2. We create a comprehensive roadmapping on your current customers and target audience in relation to your marketing strategy. We'll address high-level concerns from 'What's currently working?' to other customer-specific issues and opportunities. This document usually comes out to 10-20 pages of text and screenshots. It's then sent to you for review before the workshop.
  3. The workshop itself – This is usually a video call (or on-site for those in London). We'll spend 30 minutes explaining every aspect of the report and another 30 minutes addressing questions that come up. Trust us, a lot of customer/market research gets covered in 1 hour of focused discussion: we'll explore the best methodologies and approaches for your specific case, from quant to qual, observational to interviews, social sciences to AI.
  4. Questions sometimes come up during the workshop that we can't always properly answer without more research. We write them down and follow up with answers. Similarly, we'll make ourselves available to answer any follow-up questions for two weeks.
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